Thursday, August 19, 2010

Second Night of the Pacifier Purging and Katie

Being busy with the boys
Face after eating cherries

Her new sippy cup

The second night was quite a bit harder than the first but that was because I was puking about every hour to hour and a half until there was nothing left in my stomach. How lovely right! So not only did I have a kiddo that wanted his mommy to comfort him, but I was trying to run to the bathroom and get it in the toilet in between. Today I am feeling much better and no throwing up to report as of yet-cross my fingers! I just ate my first bit of food for the day.

And lets do a little shpeal on Katie girl: Whom I have nicknamed "Biggy Bee" yes I know-a weird nickname-I don't know why this has stuck but that is what comes to mind when I am talking to her:) She is now crawling regularly (for a while she was' army crawling) and can pull herself up on things. She LOVES to walk while holding our hands. Katie can drink from sippy cup with a straw (skipped the whole bottle stage completely) LOVES fruit....and has decided she is done breastfeeding...sad in a way but also slightly liberating. The only time she takes milk from me anymore is in the morning when she first wakes up. She is VERY busy-always wanting to move and explore-so interesting how different she is from Tavin in that aspect.

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