Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh Little Wormy Worm

This is Tavin's little wormy friend-I was surprised at how eager he was to pick the worm up. Once he did, that worm never left his side until we convinced him that the worm's mommy and daddy would be worried if he didn't go home. He asked me if the worm could come into Tavin's home with him:) What a friendly little boy. I told him we would take pictures so that he could remember his little wormy friend but no-he couldn't come into our house.

P.S. The gravel bed picture is to show our newest addition to our yard. We decided to plant bushes along that strip. When we seeded for grass we didn't get that strip seeded (thought we might pour concrete to add to the driveway but that didn't happen) So this was our creation and way to prevent weeds from growing. It looks a lot nicer in person-and we are happy with it. When the bushes grow a little taller it will look even better:)

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