Friday, January 8, 2010

Here Is My Little Spring In The Gloomy Months Of Winter

How could this face not bring sunshine and happiness to anyone that looked at it:) My Katie girl is growing bigger every day and more fun to be around every moment. I love that she knows her mommy...she smiles so big at the sound of my voice. Thank you Heavenly Father for sending her to remind me that I am special to you-for trusting me with such a precious spirit in our home and in my life. And THANK YOU ESPECIALLY for making her birth and entrance into the world A LOT smoother than Tavin's:)
Katie is advancing so quickly with things-she can turn on her side to look at things now and loves to coo at anyone who will talk to her. We can tell that she can now see things a ton better-focuses really well on objects and people, can follow them with her eyes, and is in awe of color and design. She can grip things in her tiny hands as well and loves to suck on everything. Her blankets will have little wet spots from where she has been sucking on them.

1 comment:

Parry's :) said...

Katie is just adorable! Can't believe how big she is getting, such a lucky little girl to have you for her mommy! Love you Kendra!