So I am a little late on a couple of these posts-including a little comment about my birthday-which was in November:) I usually would just skip the post this late in the game but this year, my birthday was so great.....why was it better than birthdays past? There wasn't anything huge or surprising about it-I think what made it so great was the simpleness of it actually. We went to eat at one of our favorite places to eat: Leatherby's (if you live here and haven't been there-you are missing out!) They serve the BEST ice cream ever-and my absolute favorite to get when we go is the Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Sunday-vanilla ice cream drenched in peanut butter and chocolate sauce-YUMMMMM!
It was just Dan, Katie, Tavin and I sitting around one of the circular tables-all enjoying the deliciousness of the ice cream-Tavin and Katie had faces smeared with ice cream-and we were all smiling as we ate. I just got this sensation-my heart was sooo full-because I felt like at 28 years old (yes I am that old now) I have everything that is truely good and important-I am completely content in where I am in life and what I have-I have been given such great children-who bring me so much joy in every day. And although I haven't done anything earth moving or significant in the world's eyes-I am proud of what I have become, who I am and what I have. At that very moment-in that restaurant surrounded by the 3 most important people in the world-I was truly and fully happy and that was the greatest present of all.
So with all the sentimental stuff said-one of my goals in 2011-to do more with my family-Often times we get set in a rut-thinking that work, and cleaning house, laundry, and appointments are the important things-but they aren't. Family and those we love are the important things-and if we don't take the time to soak it all in-one day it will all be gone and you will wonder what happened to time and people that passed you by. I find that I am most happy when we are sledding or making cookies, playing pretend super heroes or blowing bubbles in the house (since it is sooo cold out!) Dan has started to say to me-what fun thing are we going to do today (he seems to say this right when I start to get bogged down with everything:) And that is my favorite part of the day!
NOTE: By the way I fully support and believe in the idea of goal making and encourage all those who read this to sit down and make some of their own. You are either moving one of two ways in life-forward-working towards becoming better-or backward-becoming less that you once were-there is no being stagnant or still in life. And who wants to be less instead of more??
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