Saturday, December 18, 2010

And now for Tavin....

We can't forget our Tavin boy-he has a new obsession with flushing the toilet. Whenever Dan and I head into the bathroom-he is right behind us-and stands next to the toilet to flush it for us! He keeps on asking-"now can I flush-now can I flush"-until we are done! We plan on potty training after the holidays-I feel he is ready! And we got him a Thomas the Train potty seat that he loves too.

He has been absolutely loving playschool-sadly it is over next week-it was just a month long thing-but it has been so good for him-he goes 3 times a week for an hour and a half. They make a craft and play games-etc. Our babysitter asked if he could come to it as part of her child development class lab. There are about 25 kids that go. He is so friendly and has no problem getting right in there! He even blows me and Katie a kiss and says: by mom I love you! see you in a while! ALL the teenagers in the class LOVE him and know him by name-Dan went to pick him up one day last week and one of the guys in the class said-you have such a stud for a son!
(Whatever that means-Dan thought it was funny)

The picture above is of his "bug glasses" that he made on bug day:)

Oh and just as a side note-he told me out of the blue the other day that I am his bestest mommy! Who knows where he gets this stuff but I sure do love it. He also now tells Dan and I to sleep tight and don't let bed bugs bight:)

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