Saturday, December 18, 2010

And I am back-Brains just a little jiggled is all:)

Well I finished my blog book and it is supposed to get here next week-very excited about that. I also finished by children's book and that is ordered and being shipped in the near future as well-very pleased with the results from that too...and we are gearing up for the holiday trip to see our families for Christmas! We will be heading out on Thursday.

I have had a little bit of a rough couple weeks due to the ICY weather here-fell on my way out the foot COMPLETELY slipped from out from underneath me and I fell right on my head. Never experienced such a hard fall before and was unable to work my arms for about 3 minutes. Once they started working again-I immediately picked Katie up-I was carrying her and luckily she just fell to the side in the snow. Called Dan-and he came home. The next day-I was having really bad head pain, nausea, and tunnel vision-so we were off to the doctors where he diagnosed me with a severe concussion and sent me to get Xrays to make sure no fracture or internal bleeding was going on. Results came back fine thank goodness and he just told Dan to stay home and keep a close watch on me-along with pain pills and nausea meds that knocked me cold. Dan woke me up the first night cause he said I was making really strange noise and it was "freaking him out" :) He made me let him prop my head up with pillows (the doctor said I shouldn't lay flat).

I think he was freaked out cause the nurse told him that they had another guy come in a couple days before I did with the same accident and he died 2 days later! The doctor also put things into perspective for us when he told Dan that when he (Dan has gotten a few concussions from football before) got his concussions he had a helmet, I fell flat on my head without any protection. Pretty scary all in all and now we heavily salt our stairs. I still get pretty heavy migraines-which is normal-but am steadily feeling better. THANKS to all for your concerned calls and thoughtful acts. ESPECIALLY to my sweet husband who dropped everything for me.

ANYWAY-On to better things-LOTS of new and exciting projects in the works-and back to blogging-here are a few posts before I got to bed. I will post some of our Christmas activities in a few days-including our Santa clause visit and chat:) Tavin was soooo excited this year and personally invited him to our home along with Rudolph of course:)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Whoa! That is scary! I'm glad you're ok! That sounds awful...