Monday, January 14, 2013

The Conclusion of Christopher Popinkin's Visit

 Day 7: Elfy brought us Mommy's FAVORITE hot chocolate Stephen's Mint Truffle . He had fun taking a bath in the marshmallows!
 Day 8: Silly Christopher! He magically made our milk BLUE!

 I thought for sure Katie would refuse to drink the Blue milk but she had no problem with it! That girl never stops surprising me:) On a side note: Whenever something "mysterious" or odd would happen-Katie would automatically turn to Christopher as the culprit. For example, one day we couldn't find her shoes and they ended up being in the garage. She must have left them there the last time we went out, but she insisted that CHRISTOPHER was the one who hid them out there! She went straight over to him and called him a silly elf!:)

 Day 9: We woke up to beautifully crafted snow angels made in our flour-how creative Christopher!

 Day 10: Christopher made some new friends and had a party!

 Day 11: Elfy found mom's nativity set in the closet and brought it out for us! He loved holding baby Jesus all night. Geez!  it must have been a hard task-taking all those statues out one at a time-since they are bigger than him:)
 Day 12: Christopher befriended Tuff and helped him get dressed in one of Dad's shirts. He said that Tuff was curious about how it would be to wear clothes:) Then, Tuff gave Christopher rides around the house all night! Tuff looks so happy doesn't he:)

Christmas Eve: So there was a couple days in between that we didn't have our camera with us-I left it at grandma's and it took a few days to get back to get it. But Christopher did a full 24 days! He brought reindeer food for the kids to leave out for Rudolph and the other reindeer, he also left Christmas pajamas to wear on Christmas eve and Christmas for each member of our family, as well as-some change for Katie and Tavin to put in the bell ringer bucket at the store, and he even toilet papered our living room and left a stair barricade with crate paper on different nights.

One of the kids' favorite tricks that Christopher performed was-he gave a special seed to each of them to plant and water for three nights. One the fourth morning, Lolly pops had grown where the seeds once were! They were giant too-yummy yummy and VERY sticky. He was a busy little guy! But when all was said and done, it was time for him to go back to the North pole so we left him under the tree with a note and a special cinnamon roll for Santa on Christmas eve. Our whole family really enjoyed having Christopher with us and hope that he comes to visit next year!

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