Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Years Eve 2013

I am considered the "lucky One" in our family because I tend to win things....well for New Years Eve, I won a game party pack from a club called "House Party." (Since I seem to be in the mood to recommend things I really like in my posts lately, I will take a second and recommend you join this club! U can find it by entering it in on google. It is free and only takes a second to apply. I have been doing in for about 2 years now and have hosted 2 parties for them. A Philadelphia Cream Cooking Party and this Hasboro Game night one. You apply for parties you want to host-they send you emails telling you what parties they have out and what days they would like you to host it. If you are chosen to host one, they send you a BIG package of FREE stuff you get to keep. Like in this pack, there was 5 games plus coupons for 8 dollars off one game etc. And then decorations and a voucher for a free food item to serve. All you have to do is invite at least 10 people and take pictures and upload them to your site:) It is a way to advertise new products for companies by allowing consumers to throw parties to introduce things to groups of people. The best part is no one has to buy anything. 

Anyway, I had all my family over to help celebrate with me-my Aunt and cousins were visiting from California so it made things extra special and fun! My dad made waffles for dinner (a tradition we have done for years on New Years Eve) Then we got to playing games- and if you know our family, you know we are a GAME PLAYING family! Twister was the hot game to play with the kids-its a new version with some fun twists. And Scrabble catch phrase-seemed to be the favorite among the adults. It was a great way to bring in the New Year! Tavin and Katie were quite flexible at Twister! it must have been the young age-they can bend in ways I can only imagine getting into:) Livy had fun playing with the decorations-or should I say wearing them. 

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