Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Being Miss Crafty Pants!

One of the things that I enjoy doing with my sister Krisha and my kids-is crafts. I can't say that I am very good at it-or that what I set out to do always comes out the way it looks in my head-but I attempt it anyway. Usually the outcome is fairly good. Here are some of the crafts we did over the holidays. A candy cane wreath made out of bath Loofahs, a Christmas stocking hanger (I really liked how this turned out), marshmallow snowman and candy cane cards, paint ornaments, and the craft that was a hit with all the kids: GAK.

My mom used to make this with us when we were little kids-we loved it just as much then as these kids do now:) There is just something about gooey messy jiggly stuff that a kids can't resist. I highly recommend this activity-very easy, inexpensive, and lasts for multiple play times. All these craft ideas were thanks to Pinterest!

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