Friday, May 21, 2010

There Is a First Time For Everything

Today marks the first time that Tavin did pee pee in his kid potty! And of course-since I am a mom-I had to document this monumental occasion:) Really though I think it was just a coincidence....Dan and I have been taking the casual and non stressful approach to potty training. What way is that you ask: just having him come and sit on his potty every time one of us uses the toilet-he copies what we do-wiping himself with toilet paper and helping us flush, etc.

Lately he has been telling us he has to go potty and then goes to sit on his potty-pretending he is going. So I took the next step and showed him how to pull his pants down and sit without a diaper. Before we took a bath today, he wanted to sit on his potty without his diaper-and what do you know-he actually put something in the bowl! We can only hope this will continue-but if not, we will keep with our non stressful-casual plan:) and see how it goes! Updates to follow...
P.S. Sorry about the bra in the picture:)


Parry's :) said...

Yeah Tavin!!! Good job!!! :)

Being casual and stress free is the best way to go! I'm usually that way, but with Iolly he has extremely sensitive skin and it has actually gotten worse, so we are trying to encourage a little harder than normal because we want all his owies to go away. I've been using that and it seems to be working. It sucks when he cries all the time when you are changing him cause he has sores all over his bum! I really hate having one so young with such sensitive skin! :(

krisha said...

What a man...tavi wont be embarrased by the picture or him naked on the potty it will be his moms bra in the picture that will embarrass him in the yrs to come :)