Wednesday, October 7, 2009

She's a Comin'

We had our Thirty-Eight week check-up today and the doctor checked my dialation for the first time. Well guess what-I am 4cm dialated and 75% e-faced! She really wants out man! And I am OK with it:) So the doctor just said let him know if my water breaks-and now we wait..... Blogs aren't any fun without pictures, so here is one of Tavin in the sink playing with dish soap bubbles and a cup:)


Monica said...

congrats!!! If your water breaks you better jump right up there, or when you start contracting, head on up sooner than lATER!

DK said...

that is so exciting!!!! I can't wait to meet my new neice! I love you guys! good luck!!

Hewards said...

I'm so excited for you Kenny! I just had a boy a month ago and they are so sweet but I would give anything for a good nights sleep ;)

krisha said...

Wish you were delivering down here!!Hope it works out before halloween