Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Angel Kisses

I am grateful to those who show kindness and love to my children and see them for the special people that I know them to be. One of these people works at This is the Place monument and museum in the barber shop. What a great grandpa he must be! When we walked in, he asked if any of the kids would like a shave like they did in the old days. Tavin was hesitant but Katie jumped right up in the chair for her turn. He cheerfully started to lather her face and explain the process of shaving in the old days using a dull blade to clean the shaving cream off her face. He then noticed her beautiful freckles.
"Little Lady you have a wonderful bunch of freckles on your cheeks and nose. Did you know that the pioneers had another name for freckles? Angel Kisses! You must be really loved to have so many-the same with your brother. The angels have kissed you lots:) "
He then put some mild aftershave on her cheeks and she happily jump down so brother could have a chance.  To someone else, this might seem like just a simple remark, but to my children it meant something. Ever since we left the Barber Shop both Tavin and Katie tell everyone what freckles are really called. The comment on other peoples' freckles and their own. It gives the confidence and fills them with love. Thank you to the man who took time for my kids.  

Boppa was able to come spend the day with us and I am also grateful for him and the part he plays in my life and theirs. We are glad when he comes to make memories. We learned a lot about our Heritage and those who made if possible for us to be here and have the blessings we enjoy...he is part of that heritage.

 Tavin standing in an Indian hut these were really cool to see and hear about. This particular one is for males. They would come here after battling in wars to clam their souls and clean their minds before going back to their families. I know we have some Indian heritage in our background from my father's side. Maybe that is where Livy has gotten her beautiful dark skin. Tavin was very intrigued by these structures and asked a lot of questions. He then asked if he could just sit in one for a little while....my sweet sweet boy who at 6 years old ponders, wonders, and meditates.

The actual "this is the place monument" commemorating the moment when Brigham Young announced that Utah would be the resting place/home for those who traveled so far. We are grateful for them and their sacrifices. I can't imagine taking my kids in unbearable conditions, have some of them dye.....that is faith....
 We were able to see an oxen up close-he was very friendly and even took a liking to Katie's dress-the bottom part is hot pink...he swiftly liked it up with his long tongue when she got close enough-thinking it must be some tasty kind of food. Thus only Tavin standing in the picture;) It was interesting to see a real life image of the animals that pulled the hand carts.
Kids visiting a small hut where thirteen people had to fit inside each night. During the summer months the boys would sleep up on the roof to create more room and in the winters they all huddled around the fire to keep warm. This little hut was about the same size as our bedroom.

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