Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christopher Popinkins...Santa's Very Own Elf

This is pretty funny:)

Our special delivery!

Katie took to him right away~they were friends at first sight!

Where we decided to put him for his first night 
Finally deciding the Elf was an OK guy:)

On November 30th we got a knock on the door and when we opened it, there was a package wrapped in red and white with a letter addressed to Katie and Tavin Bauman, I opened the letter and read it to eagerly awaiting kids...this is what it said:

Dear Tavin and Katie,

I hope you are getting excited for Christmas this year! You are some of my most favorite children on my nice list. Both of you are very special to me, your parents, and Heavenly Father and Jesus.  That is why I sent you this package-please take very good care of what is inside! It is one of my very own elves right from my workshop at the North Pole. His name is Christopher Popinkins and he is magical.

You see, he only comes alive at night –kind of like the toys on toy story-he only moves around when no one is looking. He was so excited when I told him he was going to visit you at your house for a little while. He is going to keep a good eye on you and make sure that you are choosing the right and listening to your parents. If he reports back to me that you have been good, I have some special surprises for you on Christmas day.

 I think you will like having Christopher visit you-he is a very funny and kind elf. He loves to do nice things for other people and play jokes to make others laugh. He hopes that you will try to share and help other people too. There are a lot of boys and girls out there that don’t have as much as you do, They need you to share your things with them and be their friends.  

Maybe you can go through your toys and put some of the ones you don’t play with as much in a bag. Then your mom and dad can help you bring them to a place where the toys can be fixed and cleaned to be given to other children just like you! That would make me and Heavenly Father and Jesus so happy. 

Christopher the elf is also super excited to celebrate Jesus’ birthday with you! Jesus was born on Christmas and is a very good friend of mine! Remember that Christmas is not just about getting gifts but about giving to others and about celebrating Jesus and the love he has for you. It is because of him that we can live in Heave with our families forever.

Have fun with Christopher, I sent a book with him to explain a little bit more about him. Have your mom and dad read it to you before you go to bed tonight. I will be back on Christmas Eve to bring him home with me to the North Pole.

 Oh and by the way, I loved the cookies you made me last year! Will you leave me some more this year on Christmas Eve? I get really hungry with all the houses that I have to visit. My reindeer would love some food and water too if you will put some out for them. Rudolph says hi! Give your mom and dad a big hug for me.

Love always,

Santa Claus
* Tavin was at first excited and giddy with excitment until I read the part about the elf coming alive at night-then he good worried about the thought of a little man roaming around while he was asleep:) It took a while to convince hi it would be ok and that Christopher was nice! I think he finally believed me.
*While putting Tavin to bed, he whispers to me: Why did Santa and Heavenly Father send me an elf mom?
Me:Because they love you and know you are a good boy!
Tavin: Well yesterday I bit you think that counts??
Me trying not to laugh: Try reallly hard to be nice to your sister and to make good choices and Santa and Heavenly Father wont count that one.
Tavin: OK MOM! I WILL!
Amazing huh!:)  Our little elf has been with us for 5 days now and has done some pretty cool stuff if I do say so myself!
Katie and Tavin wake up anxious to see what the elf did the night before.

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