So Lately we have been very busy with lots of activities going on with our church callings and starting a new neighborhood play group, basketball (soon to be softball), household errands, etc. Tavin and Katie get to come along and be apart of all that Dan and I do. Some days we are just plain exhausted by the end-This particular day, Katie was so tired she couldn't even play in her jumparoo... Hey being a baby is hard work:)
By the way-my Young Women's calling is going very well-most times it is very rewarding and I know our family is being blessed for all we do. I am trying really hard to develop strong relationships with the girls.
I have had plenty of opportunities to develop new talents and share others I already have. In the last two weeks I've made cupcakes that needed to look like bees, decorated a room in all yellow, cooked 2 roasts (including 2 bags of carrots and a bag of potatoes), made 80 invitations in the shapes of fans, cooked a 7 pound ham, prepared 2 lessons, made 9 value bracelets for birthdays this month, and visited inactive girls:) Glad for the extra energy that exercising has given me and for the many opportunities to serve others.