Sunday, February 7, 2010

Check Out My New Running Shoes

So I was doing some reading and found out that you are supposed to change your shoes every 500 miles when you run or workout in them. Well I have had my Nike Shocks for about 5 or 6 years now, and I am pretty sure that it is time for a new pair! Plus, Dan and I have been keeping up with our exercising-we are into month 2 and I am glad to say still going strong. I feel so much better-and-as Dan puts it, "you are definitely not as big as you used to be..." hmmm how should I take that?:) So these were a little reward for the pounds I have shed. Thanks Sweetie.
We got these Adidas on sale At Kohl's and I love the comfort and support they give me on the inside-great ankle and arch support. The colors are fun too! I am very pleased with our purchase and recommend these shoes to those who might be looking for a new pair to exercise in. I am also playing on our ward volleyball team now and it is SO much fun! I have really gotten to know some of the other girls and we laugh and joke the whole time. Happy to say I'm better than I thought I would be...meaning I can actually get it over the net most of the time.

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