Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Funny Stories of The Week

1) I was joking around with Daniel about his facial hair the other night, it was getting quite fuzzy because he hadn't shaved in a couple days

I said, "Man you look hot with your facial hair that long."

Tavin was sitting on Daniel's lap and responded by pointing at Dan and saying,

"hot!" and blowing on Daniel's face:)

We tell him when his food is hot and we need to blow on it-he picked it up and uses it for other things now too!

2) For some reason Tavin has gained a fear of dogs-we've been working on it-trying to show him doggies are nice.

Today, when I put on a movie, one of the advertisements was for 101 Dalmatians. As soon as he saw all the dogs he started to slap the TV and say, "No doggies, No!"

It was funny but hopefully we can get his out of this stage!


krisha said...

Good thing tavi is there to cool Dan off. Cant have him getting too HOT! Enjoyed seeing him and how big he is getting. Miss ya guys

Parry's :) said...

What happened to Luna, do you guys still have her? How are you guys anyways? Looks like you're doing good. Getting ready for your baby to come I bet, glad every thing's going well with that. Take care!
Love you guys,

Unknown said...

Kendra, oh I love your blog, You are doing awesome with your page. It is so cute!! And I think you look absolutely beautiful. Can't wait for you to get to hold that little one. I love you and Daniel and Tavin.

Mama Bauman