Friday, December 18, 2015

The Spirit of Christmas-more than just one month out of the year

There are so many things I love about this time of Year....the traditions, and the magic of it all-the spirit that fills my whole being with happiness and a yearning for doing good. I love to watch my children as they witness these things in their own lives.
We wrote Santa and delivered it to his mailbox here in Daybreak as part of our traditions we do. Each child wrote and created a letter so unique to his/her personality. Tavin didn't even ask for anything specific....he just said-"I would like you to bring me whatever you thing I would like Santa." Katie have 2 or 3 requests but then made sure to include a detailed picture of Christmas for him, promised him cookies, and included a few pieces of candy in the envelope for him. Livy asked for pink snowballs:)
I love their joy, their innocence, their faith in all that is magical and true, their desire to do good-they are examples to me.
I am especially grateful for their knowledge of what the true meaning of Christmas is-the birth of our Savior and Katie's words the other day: "It is about giving and about Jesus mom." I"m determined to make it a goal this year to have that same spirit/faith/knowledge and desire throughout this year-not just for a month out of the 12 months of the year.

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