Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our New Addition Is A...

BABY GIRL! The news that it was a baby girl came a bit as a surprise because Dan and I were "sure" it was a baby boy. Tavin has even been calling it Tie (Short for Tyler)-so sorry girly:) The Ultra sound tech. said-well there isn't anything boy about this baby-it definitely is a girl! Of course we are ecstatic to add another princess to our family (the girls will soon out number the boys). It was rough telling tavin that he isn't getting his brother just yet. He had a little melt down at first but then came to the conclusion that it will be OK to have a baby girl THIS TIME.  No pressure on making the next one a boy or anything:)

We have a couple names up in the air for a baby girl so we will be trying to feel them out for the next couple months. Keep her in your prayers though cause the ultra sound showed that she has some cysts on her kidneys. Nothing to really worry about 28 weeks they will do another ultra sound to make sure they are gone. Usually they disappear by then but if not....who knows what will need to happen. I would rather them just disappear so there isn't any complications thank you:)

The other news that we got yesterday is that Daniel got the job in UT and we will soon be relocating. Of course I have many stressful concerns but I just have to put my faith in Heavenly Father to make it alright. I will miss our little town and first home very much but guess what-I get to be with my sisters and mom and dad now instead of 4 hours away! Here is to the next big adventure.

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