Tuesday, March 10, 2009

And We're Off....

And so the journey to child number 2 has begun. Daniel and I are excited to bring Tavin a sister or brother. I am due Oct. 20th and yes the sickness is full force. Daniel and I have been trying every remedy possible to help the nauseousness go away. I am such a whiner when it comes to being sick. We have found a few things that work and are just waiting out the time till the sickness is over. I don't remember it being this bad with Tavin-but hey I guess we are supposed to forget because I probably wouldn't ever get pregnant again if I could remember it all. Everyone cross their fingers for me that I will be able to fit into my Maid of Honor dress when it comes time in May. If only the nauseous feeling would leave so I could do some type of exercise....hopefully soon!


Kim said...

Congratulations Kendra (and Dan) for baby #2!!! I hope your morning sickness will get better soon...I still remember being SO sick when I was preggers with Audrey, that I'm still scared to get pregnant again! I'll be sure to let you know when I conquer that fear:-)
Good luck with everything, and be sure to keep us updated on what your having!

Hewards said...

Thats the month after I'm due. YEA KENDRA!! Look into getting the prescription Zofran it is the miracle drug for those that have tried everything.