Tavin and I went with Daniel for one of his work training sessions held in San Francisco C.A.-one of the many perks of his job-and while we were there, we walked the Golden Gate Bridge.
Here are some interesting facts we found out about the bridge:
Length 8,981 feet-about 2 miles
Height 746 feet
Cost more than $26 million to build
On an average day 118,000 vehicles cross the bridge
There is now maintenance by 38 painters to touch up the paintwork where it becomes eroded
The Golden Gate Bridge is a frequent site for suicides-a person jumps off the bridge about every 15 days. After a fall of approximately four seconds, jumpers hit the water at some 88 miles per hour which is nearly always fatal. (Sorry this is a little depressing but Dan thought it was interesting...)
The water may be as cold as 47 °F, and Great White Sharks are sometimes seen under the bridge.
For summer weather, it is actually quite cold there-in the 60s-70s-so Tavin and I had to buy fllece jackets-(modeled for you in picture one).