Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pumpkin Picking
I insisted that we go to an actual pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins this year-I dont know-the whole just picking them from a bin outside a grocery store seems so...boring....I guess growing up in a suburb of NJ where we always went out into the fields spoiled me. Those were some of my favorite memories growing up-so I decided to start a family tradition. There is a field in Idaho Falls called the Red Barn. We searched and search and searched-made a pile of the prospects and Tavin ate dirt along the way.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Visiting "My Old Lady" Betty Morris
Before I had Tavin, I worked with an In Home Care company for a year and took care of Betty every day except on Sundays. I learned a lot about her and about the elderly in general-mostly that some of them don't have anyone to care about them anymore-Betty's husband died of Cancer a long time ago and her family is either dead or estranged. But even when you get old, you still need to be loved and thought about. So, Dan and I take Tavin to see her every so often. Tavin was really cute with her and held her hand. I could see the light spark up in her eyes. She said he reminds her of her husband cause her husband had red hair too. (One time when I was cleaning her house, I found a wooden box that I thought was supposed to have a statue or something standing on it. So, I asked her what the box was for, thinking she would tell me where to find the figurine that went with it, but instead she simply stated-"Oh that's my husband in there." She had him cremated. What do you even say to that! Let's just say I didn't go around that box much anymore:)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tavin's Costume for Halloween
Friday, October 10, 2008
Daniel's Art Work
Tavin and His Girlfriend
Tavin had his girlfriend Mckenna over to play today-I took this picture after they ate pizza breadsticks and milk-as you can see, he is very excited that she came to play. He likes to pull on her ponytails though. I tried to tell him that won't score points with her! She is 13 days younger than he is.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tavin's Bed Head
I couldn't resist taking a picture of Tavin's hair when he woke up this morning. Can you tell which side he slept on? This hair style should be the definition of bed head. Oh and don't worry it doesn't go down-I tried to fix it when we went out to run errands-but it didn't work so we just went out like this. You gotta love it!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tavin at 10 Months
This is the most recent photo of our handsome boy- 10 months and 3 weeks old-yes his hair gets redder every day-but we love it. It fits his spitfire personality-dont you just love the hair that hangs over his ears! The top and sides are growing faster than the back. I can't really remember why he is naked...I think it was beacuase only one side of the diaper he had on was fastened and he peed on the outfit he was wearing. (It was one of those days). But we are proud of that belly-he was only 2% in his weight last doctor's appointment. Don't let him decieve you though-he eats ALL the time and wants whatever Daniel and I are eating. Thus mommy gets to change about 3 to 4 poopy diapers a day-NO JOKE! We think the reason he is quite small is beacuse he got the matabolism of his dad-always moving....or also known as A.D.D.
Beach Days

Also while in California we had a chance to go to the beach-Daniel found a new love of Body boarding and was in the water for 5 hours one day! I AM NOT EXAGGERATING-He had board rash on his chest and nipples-yes I said his nipples-they were scabbed for a week! Thus-why rash gaurds are always good to wear.
Tavin was content siting under the beach umbrella-mommy liked that cause she is peranoid that he will get sunburned (thanks to his dad's trait of Very white skin). Speaking of being really white...we could always find Daniel in the water by looking for the whitest body out in the water-and when it got to cold for normal people to swim-daniel was the white one out with all the black body suited surfers. By this time, it was almost dark out.
Summer Trip to San Francisco

Tavin and I went with Daniel for one of his work training sessions held in San Francisco C.A.-one of the many perks of his job-and while we were there, we walked the Golden Gate Bridge.
Here are some interesting facts we found out about the bridge:
Length 8,981 feet-about 2 miles
Height 746 feet
Cost more than $26 million to build
On an average day 118,000 vehicles cross the bridge
There is now maintenance by 38 painters to touch up the paintwork where it becomes eroded
The Golden Gate Bridge is a frequent site for suicides-a person jumps off the bridge about every 15 days. After a fall of approximately four seconds, jumpers hit the water at some 88 miles per hour which is nearly always fatal. (Sorry this is a little depressing but Dan thought it was interesting...)
The water may be as cold as 47 °F, and Great White Sharks are sometimes seen under the bridge.
For summer weather, it is actually quite cold there-in the 60s-70s-so Tavin and I had to buy fllece jackets-(modeled for you in picture one).
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