Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let's Get This Party Started!

A sweet birthday card from his cousin Ethan
 Earning his "weapon"-silly string

 At the end of the training camp, when they earned all the pieces to their outfits, they went into the garage and sprayed each other with silly string-taking turns pretending to be bad guys and super heros and hiding behind all the obstacles Daniel set up for them.

 Crawling under and through lasers

Finally earning their capes
 Learning to fly

Showing off their wrist cuffs

Details on the super hero party of the  century:)

*We had a super hero training camp set up with stations. At each station they would perform a task and recieve part of their super hero out fit which included: mask, cape, wrist cuffs, belt, weapon!

Games included:
*learning to fly (this was the most popular and they spent quite a long time jumping off platform made out of chiars and clothing tubs from our storage room-onto a huge constructed out of EVERY pillow and couch cushion in the house)

*Crawling under and around lasers "crape paper in our hall way)

*Knocking down the bad guys-a sheet we cut different shapes into and put pictures of super hero villians in-had to throw balls at them to knock them out.

*Poping the balloons with a pin head band on
*Pass the kryptonite- a green ball representing Kryptonite-when the music stopped-if you were holding the kryptonite-you were out (like hot potato-super man style)

Ending battle: Dan set up the grarage with abunch of obstacles and things that they could hide behind-they took their silly string and went to town spraying each other:)

All in all-with a few costume glitches that duct tape solved-the party was a sucess!

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