Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trunk or Treating Fun!

Tonight we had our first trunk or treating ward party with Tavin and Katie. Katie slept through most of it, but Tavin made out like a bandit with lots of candy. As I took him around, he wasn't sure at first about the people handing out the candy-but his worries went away when his bucket started to fill with candy. He got a big smile on his face half way through and started to get into saying trick or treat and thank you to everyone. Of course his favorite were the M&Ms! Thanks Auntie Krisha for the costume-it was a hit. He didn't want to take it off when we got home. We had to assure him he could put it back on at Grandma's house. We thought he made a cute giraffe but you would have been surprised at some of the things people thought he was...a horse, a cow, a zebra...come on people have you ever been to the zoo? It was fun watching Tavin run around with the other kids afterward! I LOVE HIS WALKING.


Parry's :) said...

What a handsome giraffe he is!!! Looks like he had a blast! Our partying starts tomorrow night, hopefully! Iolly seems to be a little under the weather, so we'll see. Hope all is well for you guys, take care!

DK said...

He is so stinkin cute!! That costume suites him!! He definately looks like a giraffe!!!! How you get any other animal from that I don't know..... haha!! Wish you guys were comin with the fam! I miss you guys!!! Love you!