Thursday, May 14, 2009

Being Independent

Tavin is becoming independent and wants to feed himself, so mom and dad decided to let him. Thank goodness we have our dog Luna to lick up the floor afterwards. You will notice that on the side of Tavin's face, there is a darker color-that is pen:)


Kim said...

He is SO cute Kendra! And growing up SO fast! Do you guys know what you are having yet (baby #2)? You'll have to keep us posted! We're going to be in Utah this Saturday, and we'll be there for 2 weeks! Hopefully by some chance you'll be there too and we could get together!!!

krisha said...

The fun begins. Luna will get fatter and Tavin will get more stubborn. Mom says he won't walk anymore. BOOO. One day he'll take off and show you:) Love ya