Sunday, October 19, 2008

Visiting "My Old Lady" Betty Morris

Before I had Tavin, I worked with an In Home Care company for a year and took care of Betty every day except on Sundays. I learned a lot about her and about the elderly in general-mostly that some of them don't have anyone to care about them anymore-Betty's husband died of Cancer a long time ago and her family is either dead or estranged. But even when you get old, you still need to be loved and thought about. So, Dan and I take Tavin to see her every so often. Tavin was really cute with her and held her hand. I could see the light spark up in her eyes. She said he reminds her of her husband cause her husband had red hair too. (One time when I was cleaning her house, I found a wooden box that I thought was supposed to have a statue or something standing on it. So, I asked her what the box was for, thinking she would tell me where to find the figurine that went with it, but instead she simply stated-"Oh that's my husband in there." She had him cremated. What do you even say to that! Let's just say I didn't go around that box much anymore:)

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